joi, mai 31, 2007


Don't write a book if you've nothing to say
Don't panic if you've had a bad day
Don't be afraid to cry when you need to
Don't run away when you want to
Don't talk if you can't listen
Don't boast if you can't glisten
Don't be ashamed of your mistakes
Don't worry if a dream breaks
Don't play the victim if you fail
Don't think that everything's for sale.

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

dar nu ai obiceiul sa raspunzi?

Anonim spunea... wonder no one ever visits this godforsaken blog...

piscotel spunea...

Ba da, am obiceiul dar in ultima perioada am fost f in general I don't care if it's godforsaken pentru ca e scris mai mult pentru mine...bineinteles ce-i ce vor sa-l vada sunt bineveniti, dar nu pun accent pe asta